Invest in Your Success

Working with a coach gives you a dedicated resource to explore your strengths, discover actionable insights, build momentum, advance your career, uncover patterns of behavior, identify blind spots, challenge assumptions, and make informed decisions.

Work with Compass Point on:

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Strengthen core leadership skills to execute strategy, lead change, drive innovation, and engage employees.

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Unpack and manage complex, rapidly changing circumstances to determine a clear course of action.

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Hone a powerful presence, enhance communication, and establish professional gravitas to address a range of stakeholders.

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Plan negotiation strategy, establish priorities, expand considerations, and benefit from real time coaching.

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Explore career options, define success, identify goals, and plan experiential milestones.

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Prepare for advancement, assess promotion readiness, identify blindspots, and enhance skills.

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Navigate personal and professional transitions: start a new job, plan a sabbatical, prepare for family leave, and plan to return to workforce.

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Acquire, assess, and hone core skills needed for your job and your long-term career goals.

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Broaden perspective, research opportunities, assess connections, and conduct outreach.

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Bigger than a brand, discover your signature strengths, core motivations, and professional goals.

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Develop and refine your narrative to showcase and give others access to your strengths, highlight experience, explore fit, and find new opportunties

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Prepare for your annual review, set meaningful goals, and give/receive feedback.


Take Action

Tari Cash, CitySwing

Nicolette is my long-term thought partner. She has helped me navigate job transitions, manage professional relationships and be my best self in work environments. She understands the intricate relationship between my personal and professional goals and she holds me accountable to myself. She’s been a cheerleader – helping me celebrate big wins; an agitator – encouraging me to step outside of my comfort zone; and a friend – asking questions that help me crystalize my own vision. We have a flexible schedule; sometimes it’s a two-hour strategy session, and other times it’s a quick phone call. The key takeaway is she’s always informed, engaged and impactful.


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From the moment I met Nicolette, I was absolutely dazzled. She’s one of those rare, shiny people — kind, authentic, and absolutely brimming with wisdom. I’ve watched her in action in a number of different professional settings, including: speaking at a TEDxWomen event, sharing career guidance on The TODAY Show, facilitating workshops for small groups, and providing one-on-one coaching. She’s always relevant, insightful, and empowering. I enthusiastically recommend her as a guide or sounding board for any situation — she’ll help you find and celebrate your truest self.
